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Fleet Rendezvous

Our feet hails from around the Bay, from Annapolis and Herrington Harbor to St. Michaels and Oxford and points in-between. We share a common passion for this beautifully designed and well-built boat and a love for the Chesapeake Bay. We also enjoy gathering together for casual racing, good food, and great company.

Note: The 2017 and 2018 rendezvous were both scrubbed due to weather. 


2016 Fleet Rendezvous

September 24, 2016

The Fleet returned to Oxford for its annual rendezvous on Saturday, September 24. Six Alerions, their owners and guests met at the docks of the Tred Avon Yacht Club. Four AE28’s from the western shore, OrionLiberty PrevailsResilient and Skimmer were joined by two Eastern Shore boats, SWMBO and Frolic.

2015 Fleet Rendezvous

June 13, 2015

The Fleet ventured north of the Bay bridges for its annual rendezvous on Saturday, June 13. Five Alerions, their owners and guests met at the red channel marker “90” south of the bridges for an 8.2 mile point-to-point race to Gibson Island in the Magothy River.


2014 Fleet Rendezvous

June 14, 2014

The tenth annual rendezvous of the Chesapeake Alerion 28 Fleet was held at Herrington Harbor North Marina. Five boats raced across the Bay in strong winds before returning to the marina for light refreshments and dinner.

2013 Fleet Rendezvous

September 28, 2013

The Chesapeake Bay Fleet returned to Herrington Harbor South for a rendezvous on Saturday, September 28.  Actually, six Alerions, their owners and guests convened in early afternoon in the middle of the Bay, raced from there to the Harbor, and after a social hour and awards presentation, dined at the marina’s restaurant.


2011 Fleet Rendezvous

June 18, 2011

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2010 Fleet Rendezvous

September 25, 2010

Seven Alerions, nine owners and guests gathered at Mears Yacht Haven in Oxford for an afternoon of casual racing followed by a reception and dinner. They were joined by representatives of Pearson Composites, builder of the Alerion line of sailboats and sponsor of this year's rendezvous.


2009 Fleet Rendezvous

June 13, 2009

Five Alerions, their owners and guests got together for some casual racing and an awards ceremony and reception.  The regatta took place on the West River near Galesville on Maryland’s western shore.  The after reception was hosted by Casey and Renee Brennan under the oak trees at Chalk Point Marine.

2008 Fleet Rendezvous

June 21, 2008

Six Alerions, their owners and guests turned out for an afternoon of close racing on the Tred Avon River off Oxford.  Unfortunately, the first full day of a Chesapeake summer lived up to its windless reputation.  While racing had to be abandoned for the day, an early start to the party provided even more time for talking boats.


2007 Fleet Rendezvous

June 2, 2007

Five Alerions, their owners and guests gathered for casual yet competitive racing followed by an awards ceremony and barbecue dinner. The races took place on Herring Bay on Maryland's western shore and the "after party" was hosted by Bob and Deirdre Bradway at their summer home in Fairhaven.

2006 Fleet Rendezvous

August 19, 2006

For our second rendezvous, the Chesapeake Alerion fleet gathered on the Tred Avon River and Plaindealing Creek. Six boats and crew sailed two races in very light conditions. The race to the swimming pool was the fastest of the day.


2005 Fleet Rendezvous

July 9, 2005

The Alerion Express 28 Chesapeake Bay Fleet held its first rendezvous and racing regatta on the the eastern Shore on July 9, 2005. Five Alerions, eight owners and six guests gathered for casual yet competitive racing followed by a crab feast.

Rendezvous: News & Updates
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