The EYC One Design Classic was held Saturday June 27th in the Severn River around government marks, due to restrictions created by COVID-19. Three Alerion 28's, Caroline, Halcyon and Skimmer made up one of five classes that raced. The Alerions sailed 3 races that covered almost 19 miles with oscillating WSW winds in the mid to upper teens.
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All 3 races started and finished at G-9. 2 of the races were 7.4 miles out to R-2 and back. There wasn't a tack all day in all 3 races, except around the various government marks. It was a drag race through waves and boat wake from start to finish with Caroline 1st, Halcyon 2nd and Skimmer 3rd in all 3 races. Congrats to the McNeil clan on Caroline, Jason, Stacey and Finlay on Halcyon and to Marti Detweiler on Skimmer for helming all day in difficult conditions.  Â
Official results posted at
Further down the Bay, our Herrington Harbor contingent, Liberty Prevails and Resilient, competed in the Poplar Island Race. This is a short handed race out in the Bay around government marks that can be sailed either clock-wise or counterclockwise, at the choice of each competitor. We had it as a scheduled non-high point race for June 6 and it was postponed to this past Saturday, the same day as the EYC One Design Classic.
Congratulations to Eunice Lin on Liberty Prevails for a second place in the double-handed non-spin division and to Bob Spann on Resilient for a 4th place in the solo non-spin division. They both sailed the race in about 3 1/2 hours. Liberty Prevails only lost to Muskrat, a modified J/105 and Bob Spann was only a little over 10 minutes corrected behind another J/105, Bump in the Night. Wolves in sheep's clothing both. Complete results for the Popular Island race are posted here.
Next up in Annapolis: the AYC Annual Regatta on July 25
- Jack Detweiler, Fleet Captain